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Repaints by Kristen

Custom Vinyl Dolls & Figures

Dear Collector

I started collecting and then repainting Gene dolls in the late 90’s, specializing in celebrity portrait dolls and later expanding into many other doll sculpts and even vinyl figures. I did it as a hobby, and then full-time while my children were little for a few years and then went back to customizing dolls on the side when I started teaching high school English. I was fortunate to meet many doll collectors at Gene Conventions over the years, and my mom, Sonya, and I collaborated on some fun portrait “Mandolls”. I sold on eBay and through Sales Rooms on my website, as well as booking commissioned dolls. 
In 2009, I went back to school and then started teaching web design at a technology center — also moved to a new town, met an amazing man, and got married! I’m now teaching animation, concept art, and illustration and enjoying spending time with my family. Life has been so full that I have set aside my doll art for a few years, except for the occasional one when I have time. 
Thank you for your interest in my dolls!
Kristen Harris (formerly Kristen Ashford)


A few pics of custom repaints…